Sunday, October 25, 2009

Humans: the most invasive species of our universe.

Many scientists consider humans as invasive species because they have impacted the environment with all their luxuries, such as the roads, the sky scrapers, automobiles, cities and many more. We as humans have proved how destructive we can become; almost all of us don’t take responsibility in keep our dear earth clean.

Humans: the most invasive species know to our universe.

Thus far, we have done significant damage to the earth, if we weren’t on earth, there would be less extinct animals, more forests, no ozone damage, no global warming, less diseases, and a future to look on to. We have disrupted this earth’s natural way of being, instead of destroying earth by upgrading our lifestyles; we must try to preserve what we have left, and find ways to be eco friendly.

Today the ambitions of youth want live the good life, with big houses, expensive cars, and basically a happy-go-lucky lifestyle. We should set the example and the one we have now has no future. We don’t know a what point the environment will break down, or if it already has. We know what our problem is, and how will we fix it? you ask. Some people have already started, we start in our own homes, like turning off the tap while we brush, take shorter showers, recycle, turn off unnecessary lights, don’t over AC, and work on your units during the day so your not up all night with the light on doing them (last one only applies if your in Mary Ward). These are small simple ways that all ages can save.

We put technology before earth, cleared forests to build building, homes, dump sites, factories, roads for our gas guzzling cars, and for what only to realize YEARS later that we are harming the earth and we have only taking dramatic action recently.

We all remember the strike that left us with piles and piles of garbage everywhere in Toronto. That’s when I realized the amount of garbage is going into our oceans, garbage dumps. This was just small section of Toronto’s garbage, if we think about all of Toronto’s garbage..... No the whole world’s garbage. There would be and unimaginable amount.

Now when I say we are invasive species, I mean that we have invaded the animals, home. Everyday you see squirrels, birds, and raccoons, we have all seen road kill on our streets. Its not like you don’t see them, drivers know that they are there, they had a pass their G1, G2 and G license tests, but don’t have the courtesy to stop and let them pass. Getting to work on time is not worth an animal’s life and these are just the maltreatments on land.

We dump tons of garbage into the water, and aquatic animals eat, and live in this waste, so many animals die from eating plastic that could have been a wrapper on our popsicle or they could get stuck in the drink holders.

If that was enough he birds suffer from factory emissions, and our automobile gas, and airplane gasses.

Adults especially have to be careful on how they choose to live their life, because it will affect there children and future generations, choosing an eco friendly lifestyle is the best way, we can protect them. We have damaged the ozone layer, causing global warming, and biggest reason for that are our cars, millions of people emit gasses into the air. Polluting that we breathe, birds breathe, and the rest of the environment has to deal with. An example of unnecessary part of your lifestyle would be this gas guzzling hummer, you don’t need a car this big, and especially one that runs on the traditional fuel that has been killing our earth.


We have been bad stewards thus far; we should seek to change our life styles so that they are eco friendly and support organizations that are trying to save the earth. Buying recyclable products, do all that we can at home to save, and build a new future for generations to came, can live on. Don’t hesitate, become a good steward to our earth now.


1 comment:

  1. Good job, I Really felt the passion that came from your writing in this one. i also liked how you listed all the ways that humans messed things up. Although, I do disagree slightly, with the whole humans are totally destructive and so on and so on. Humans are, yes destructive by nature, our need to survives drives us to that. But in all of mank-kind, there is usually someone finally realizes, "Umm, guys we messed up a little here." but this usually happens when we've found out that the problem is effecting us, then we do something about it.
